The complex of Rocca Isolani, a masterpiece of 16th century Bolognese architecture, is located in Minerbio, in the heart of the Bolognese Plain.
The building of the fortress dates back to 1403 and has undergone several reconstructions over time, until it assumed its original appearance in the mid-sixteenth century, when Giovanni Francesco Isolani had it rebuilt following its destruction by the Landsknechts. It was thus remodeled by the famous Vignola to host Emperor Charles V during his coronation in Bologna in 1530.
The great pride of the Rocca are the beautiful frescoes by Amico Aspertini, painted in three rooms: Sala di Marte, Sala dell'Astronomia and Sala di Ercole.
In Sala di Marte (Hall of Mars) the walls are marked by herms to which correspond corbels with figures that framed scenes that are now lost. The god Mars is represented at the center of the vault.
In Sala dell'Astronomia (hall of Astronomy), the niches are home to the figures of the Muses and the Liberal Arts. Four telamons support an illusionistic balcony with the figures of Diana and Apollo.
In Sala di Ercole (hall of Hercules), worn by time, the views of the country provide the background to the hero's adventures.
The courtyard features the elegant torre Colombaia, also attributed to Vignola, with its octagonal structure with helical wooden staircase and a complicated system of cells designed to accommodate over 3000 nests.
The Prato delle Fiere is located next to the Rocca. In ancient times it was a place for markets and weapons tournaments.
Rocca Isolani
Via G. Garibaldi 1
40061 Minerbio
Distance from Bologna < 20 km
- Art & Culture