“A glimmer of light rives the veil of dusty
gloom between a maple’s leafy branches, appeasing the gnawing blizzard and
embracing the two young shepherds with its warm and maternal rays”
Actually, that Light could have shone everywhere.
According to the Gospel, there are no limits to the Divine Providence, and yet the
Virgin Mary chose a maple, not a fir or a chestnut tree, but a tough maple, grown
steady where for other plants it was impossible to survive.
The Sanctuary of Madonna dell’Acero is
surprising in its simplicity and harmony. The building, of rustic style, is not
the product of any important architect, but the result of the deeply rooted
devotion of the local community, transferred to the complex’s genuine and
natural aspect, hardly found elsewhere.
This Latin-cross plan sanctuary was built on
the remains of the first tempietto (little temple), lying beneath the
high altar (the church’s oldest part, located just next to the bell tower),
originally erected to commemorate the miracle.
Among the many ex-voto (votive offerings
to a saint) preserved within the sanctuary as a symbol of popular gratitude
towards the church and the Virgin Mary, a group of wooden statues of exquisite
workmanship called “Brunori” will captivate your attention. They were
commissioned by the family of the commander Brunetto Brunori as votive offering
after miraculously escaping death during the Gavina Battle occurred on the 3rd
of August of 1530.
Surrounded by monumental trees, this place
is going to impress you with its silence, its meditative atmosphere and its
profound aura of devotion, filled by the worshippers’ genuine prayers.
On the 5th August of
every year a big festival with street markets is celebrated.
We would definitely recommend this destination
to autumn Foliage lovers!
Madonna dell’Acero
Via Madonna Dell'Acero
40042 Lizzano in Belvedere
Distance from Bologna < 90 km
Telephone: IAT Lizzano: +39 053451052 / IAT Vidiciatico: +39 053453159
Email: info@cornoallescale.net
Site/minisite/other: https://www.cornoallescale.net/itinerari/madonna-dellacero-e-le-cascate-del-dardagna
- Art & Culture
- Nature & Landscape
Open from May to the beginning of October every Sunday all-day.