"Bright Energy", Virgilio Sieni's performance curated by Lorenzo Balbi. Focused on Giorgio Morandi's work on the occasion of the 60th year since his death, the project studies the relation between the artist and its objects, and the possibility of reading the composition phase as a coreographic and performative process: a journey of living matter towards gesture.
Morandi's works, as well as the objects he used to compose his works, tell us about a vital and exciting relationship that can be traced back to the idea of the body of light, what Jacques Derrida points as the intimacy between being and following: always being ready to respond to a call from something. What is meant to follow the observation of Morandis' still life and views, is a political look to the emotional posture that arises from the dialogue with things seen as subjects that determine us, opening questions about nature, geography and the archeology of action. The reflection is about the politics of human action and the revolutionary and independent force of things. In the performance it is Morandi's things, the objects we used to compose his work, that will determine the declinations of the gesture with the forms of slowness, of cracking, of looking at the other, of the passage of light: an atlas of practices for the present world. An adagissimo that welcomes the vision of bodies near the things and objects that belonged to Morandi; as in the series of "Bagnanti" in Cézanne, as much in the transfiguration of light forming the bodies as in the hymn of gestures forged by cracks and expectations that always generate in inappropriable time.
The project also includes "Atelier Morandi - Palestra Auratica", a series of classes on gestures held by Virgilio Sieni and directed to citizens of all ages and to students of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna. Forms of transmission that take place simultaneously to the performance and with it tend to elaborate a common space of reflexion on the origin of the gesture and proximity to things. The meditative act, the daily flow in front and with things becomes the common push to originate a sequence of shared gestures. Some of Morandi's work will serve as a guide to think and practice the origin of the gesture.
You can reserve the ticket for the performance on TicketSms, by downloading the app on your phone or by visiting the official website, from the 29th of January until all available seats are sold out.
To take part in "Atelier Morandi - Palestra Auratica" you must fill out the form at https://virgiliosieni.wufoo.com/forms/open-call-atelier-morandi-palestra-auratica.
Virgilio Sieni. Bright energy - Special project Art City 2024
Teatro Comunale, Largo Respighi, 1, Bologna
- Art & Culture