A new exhibition at the Cinema Modernissimo Gallery runs from 1 October 2024 to 9 February 2025. On show are unique images on and off the set, cult objects, and personal documents of film director and actor Vittorio De Sica: the trunk of memories of his children Emi, Manuel and Christian De Sica are displayed in the renovated premises of the Galleria Modernissimo to reread the life and art of one of the 20th century masters.
The exhibition, produced by the Cineteca di Bologna, includes about twenty original posters, hundreds of photographs from the private archives of the artist, his children and Giuditta Rissone, videos, costumes, precious letters with the great artists of the time, the meeting with Chaplin, the collaboration with Zavattini, the Oscars that sealed his films, the most famous bicycle in the history of cinema. Objects that tell the story of Vittorio De Sica, director and actor, but also singer and showman, as well as the private De Sica, his two families, his love for his first wife Giuditta Rissone and that for his second, Maria Mercader.
Tutti De Sica. Filmmaker & Actor
Galleria del Cinema Modernissimo, Piazza Re Enzo
40125 Bologna
Site/minisite/other: https://cinetecadibologna.it/programmazione/mostra/tutti-de-sica-2/
15€ Full ticket
13€ Reduced ticket for Amici Cineteca
7€ UniBo students; children 7-17 years old
- Art & Culture
From Monday to Friday 2pm – 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 8pm
Closed on Tuesdays