The Bisana floodplain forest is a naturalistic site of great interest between the municipalities of Galliera and Pieve di Cento.
An example of lowland humid-riparian forest, it was once widespread throughout the lower Po Valley.
Created by the accumulation of debris transported by the Reno river, this area has been recognised by the Region as an Ecological Rebalancing Area.
The main fauna is represented by birds, with species present all year round, such as woodpeckers, as well as those passing through. Hedgehog, dormouse, mole, fox and, in the adjacent canals, numerous specimens of nutria, are instead the most present mammals.
The area can be visited freely all year round, with a preference for the spring and autumn months. Appropriate equipment is recommended, as well as good binoculars.
In the interior, there are footpaths and bicycle paths as well as rest areas with benches, tables and baskets.
Listed among the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) for the conservation of natural habitats and wild birds, the "La Bisana" Ecological Rebalancing Area together with the Panfilia Wood - located in the territory of Sant'Agostino (FE) - is the most significant example of lowland forest in the region.
To visit the Panfilia Wood, one crosses the river and enters the territory of the province of Ferrara, on the bridge near the Cavo Napoleonico hydraulic system.
Bisana - Ecological Readjustment Area
Via del Bosco
40015 Galliera
Telephone: 0039 051 6871051
Sustenia - GIAPP (Gestione Integrata Aree Protette della Pianura)
ph. 0039 051 6871051
The entrance of the neighbouring Bosco della Panfilia is in via del Cavo, Sant'Agostino (Ferrara), Ph. 0039 0532 846470