The collection, called “Raccolta Museale G. Caimician” since 1983, contains many instruments used both for scientific researches and for didactic use. The instruments for the scientific use date mainly from the end of the 19th century and you can find among them polarimeters, spectrographs, muffles, devices for elementary analytical measurement, polarographs, balances and others. Crookes' tubes for the emission of cathodic radiation, many models of colourmeters, photometers, galvanometers, pH-meters, devices for electric induction, all those make part of the important didactic collection. Pieces of the collection are presented inside of the display cabinets in corridors of the Chemistry department mainly on the ground floor. In 1990, the exhibition space was created with an itinerary to follow from the atrium on the second floor. The old furniture was used to create the atmosphere of the chemistry laboratory from the beginning of the 20th century. The itinerary starts in the atrium of the department where the study room of Giacomo Ciamician with his furniture was re-created. The glassware and scientific instruments, shown inside of the display cabinets in the near corridors, illustrate the development of chemistry in Bologna from the end of the 19th century. The laboratory with a hood and furnished by important instruments and devices was re-created on the second floor. There are two display cabinets. The first one shows instruments for the spectroscopy of electronic absorption and for the luminosity observation. The second one contains instruments for elementary analyses from the 19th century. The museum is part of SMA - Sistema Museale d'Ateneo Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
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