On Thursday, December 4, the Orchestra Mozart, conducted by Daniele Gatti, will return with a concert that will close the year by juxtaposing masters of classicism with great 20th-century neoclassical composers, who were able to reconcile modernity and tradition. This will create a parallel between "classical" and "neoclassical" music, featuring works by three great composers: Stravinsky, Haydn, and Prokofiev.
Orchestra Mozart, diretta da Daniele Gatti
Teatro Auditorium Manzoni, Via de’ Monari 1/2
40100 Bologna
Telephone: 39051222997
Email: info@accademiafilarmonica.it
Site/minisite/other: https://www.accademiafilarmonica.it/concerti/orchestra-mozart-daniele-gatti-dicembre-2025
from10 to 60 euro
Buy your ticket online su VivaTicket or at the infopoint Bologna Welcome in Piazza Maggiore 1/E
Ore 20.30