Women in the shade of the Two Towers
Updated on 03 March 2020 From Comune di Bologna
The lives of many women are interwoven with the history of the city. All of their lives are linked by a common thread: passion. Passion for art, for knowledge, for fame, for a man, for justice or freedom. Here are some of their stories.
By G.A.I.A. Eventi – Guides of Bologna
Piazza Maggiore; Ginevra Sforza - S. Giacomo Maggiore - piazza Rossini; Anna Morandi Manzolini - Museo Palazzo Poggi - via Zamboni, 33; Cornelia Rossi Martinetti - SS. Vitale e Agricola - via S. Vitale, 50; Beata Elena Duglioli - San Giovanni in Monte - piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 3; Lavinia Fontana ed Elisabetta Sirani - San Domenico - piazza San Domenico; Santa Caterina de Vigrì - Corpus Domini - via Tagliapietre, 21; Gentile Budrioli - Torresotto di via Portanova; Properzia de' Rossi - Museo Medievale - Via Manzoni, 4
Download the brochure about the women in the shade of the Two Towers here