The British Side of Bologna
From Comune di Bologna
Attracted by the antique charm, the English have come to Italy since the crusades. Bologna, a university and music town, continued to have visitors even during the XVIth century, after the split between the Catholic and the Anglican church. In the XVIIIth and XIXth century every middle-class gentleman travelling throughout Italy is fascinated by the artistic and natural beauties and by the cuisine of the city.
Palazzo Re Enzo - piazza Nettuno, 1; Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica - strada Maggiore, 44; Palazzo dell'Archiginnasio - piazza Galvani, 1; Chiesa San Salvatore - via Volto Santo, 1; Palazzo Belloni - via de' Gombruti, 13; il Rifugio del Pellegrino - via Ugo Bassi, 7; Museo Civico Medievale - via Manzoni, 4; Cineteca di Bologna - via Riva di Reno, 72; MAMbo - via Don Minzoni, 14; Certosa di Bologna - via della Certosa, 18