Cycle tracks
Updated on 24 March 2020 From Comune di Bologna
Itinerary 1: Casalecchio-Bologna - the "Western Radial"
Itinerary 1 connects Bologna to Casalecchio with a cycle path which starts from Grada del Reno, passes by the Certosa, the Stadium and the grounds of Villa Serena and the Filanda. The path proceeds following long stretches of the Canale di Reno.
Itinerary 2: San Lazzaro-Bologna - the "Eastern Radial"
Itinerary 2 “S.Lazzaro - Carlo Piazzi” is named after Prof. Carlo Piazzi, a pioneer of the Bologna cycling associations.
It follows a route from Porta San Vitale to Parco dei Cedri ("Citron park") with long stretches through the city parks.
Itinerary 3: Trade Fair
Itinerary 3 “Trade Fair” was among the first in Bologna and starts from Porta San Donato. It then proceeds along Via San Donato towards the Trade Fair grounds and then along a bike lane towards the centre.
Itinerary 4: Arcoveggio - the “Northern Radial”
Itinerary 4 “Arcoveggio”, also known as the “Northern Radial”, was completed in 2008 with the last 700 m from Via Arcoveggio to Via Fioravanti.
Itineraries 5-6 Borgo Panigale - Birra
Itineraries 5 “Birra” and 6 “Borgo Panigale” are located in the Borgo Panigale district.
Itinerary 7: Dozza
A long stretch of Itinerary 7 “Dozza” proceeds along two bike lanes on the pavement of Via Stalingrado. After the Manifattura carpark, near the bypass, it continues separately along Via Ferrarese as far as Via A. da Formigine (Dozza area).
Itinerary 8: Santa Viola
Itinerary 8 “Santa Viola” is one of the longest. It starts at the Central Station (Piazza XX Settembre) and continues along the cycle paths of Via Boldrini and along a series of cycle paths along Via Bovi Campeggi, Via Tanari, Via Casarini and Via Malvasia.
Itinerary 9: Casteldebole
Itinerary 9 “Casteldebole” unwinds mainly in the Borgo Panigale district and a small part of the Reno district. The itinerary develops along three branches.
Itinerary 10: Lungo Savena
Itinerary 10 "Lungo Savena", which is located entirely in the Savena district, proceeds from Via Genova to Piazzale Atleti Azzurri d’Italia
Itinerary 11: Pilastro
Itinerary 11"Pilastro" constitutes a network of cycle paths that cover a large part of the territory including two districts: San Vitale and San Donato.
Itinerary 12: Mezzofanti
Itinerary 12 "Mezzofanti" aims at creating a cycle path network serving the Stanto Stefano district, from Parco della Lunetta Gamberini as far as Porta Santo Stefano and Giardini Margherita (Margherita Gardens).