Apennines3 stars< 70 Km from Bologna
For over forty years, here at the Hotel Santoli it has been possible to find the right combination of ingredients to enjoy wellness and eco-friendly holidays in the Emilia Romagna region, surrounded by unspoilt nature that you will be able to discover in-depth, by going on outdoor trips and savouring local traditions at the dinner table. An important encounter with wellness and nature. The hotel and Spa combination here in the Emilia Romagna region is transformed into holidays of pure relaxation in the Alta Valle del Reno. The Sky Spa wellness centre of Hotel Santoli, offers a unique view as well as modern services so you can get back into shape. In its fully-equipped hydro-therapy pool you will find relaxation and be able to get into shape while being pampered among whirlpool massages and different air and water jets. The Salt Therapy, with blocks of salt from the Himalayas, is a natural system to improve breathing capacitie. Come and take a seat in the “Il Bassotto” Restaurant of Hotel Santoli and let yourself be won over by menus that bring out the best of local traditions, thanks to the quality of km-mile products from the Upper Rhine Valley and to the meat from the local producers in the Apennine area. Parking, conference room, electic recharge and wi-fi always available.
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Hotel Santoli
Via Roma 3, Porretta Trerme
40046 Alto Reno Terme
Distance from Bologna < 70 km
Telephone: +39053423206
Email: info@hotelsantoli.com
Site/minisite/other: http://www.hotelsantoli.com
- Internet access in room
- Credit cards
- Vegetarian restaurant
- Wi-Fi
- Congress room
- Restaurant / Breakfast room
- Air-conditioning
- Car parking
- Sauna
- Lift
- Parking assistance 24 h
- Hairdryer
- Turkish bath
- Room service
- Bar
- Wake up call
- Safe in room
- Telephone in room
- Bicycles available
- TV in room
- Fax
- Common TV
- Frigo bar
- English spoken
- French spoken
- Indoor swimming pool
- Internet point
- Breakfast
- Groups accepted
- Diet food
- Reserved car parking
- Walkings or excursions
- Separate TV room
- Guided visits
- Bancomat
- Parking
- Access with public transport
- Crib
- High chair
- Changing table for babies
- Luggage room
- Bathroom with shower
- Internet access
- Terrace
Cards accepted
visa, mastercard, american express
open all the year